(11) CAT-a-LOG: All about CAT, IIMs and Coaching.

Article(11) CAT-a-LOG:  Mental Health: (iii)

(Unaware Parents.)

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Generally, the whole education of children since the very beginning is first entrusted to the home tutors or tuition classes even by highly educated people. And the students are made to depend on tutors from the start.

The same people who crib about Education System in Schools put their children to Parallel Education System known as Tuition/Coaching  Classes. So most of the students undergo double-schooling.

This early dependence on private tutors becomes a habit and the students even shudder to think to prepare on their own for exams like CAT.

Can the students be really blamed for this?

Now the overdependent students are gleefully enrolled by the greedy Coaching Institutes. 

In genaral, the Parents just deposit the fees to the Coaching Institutes and when their children don't do well in CAT; they start finding fault in their children and Coaching Institutes. It certainly causes depression to many students but not to the owners of the Coaching Institutes!

Again, can the students be really blamed for this?

Would like to request all the parents to go through the initial  articles of this blog to understand the intricacies of CAT and Coaching Institutes first before sending their children to any Coaching Institutes. 

Arguably , parents are more to be blamed than the students for the deteriorating mental health of the students.

Parents fail to realise that what their children have not studied properly in School from class VI to Class XII is the reason for rejection in competitive exams like CAT.

Whatever has not been learnt in school days can be learnt in college days also with concerted efforts. But it can't be done by all CAT aspirants in 3/6/12 months; whatever the Coaching Institutes may be claiming.

It definitely needs time to prepare for CAT. The time period wil be different for different students.

Parents and students may wish to read this article : When should you start preparing for CAT.

If you Parents have ignored your Ward's education in school days; please don't pressurise them now to achieve miracles in such a short period. Give them time!

There are many more Careers/B Schools/Other Colleges  available for students.They should be kept in mind as Plan B or Plan C while preparing for CAT. Discussion on such Plans at home will certainly reduce mental pressure on students.

Finally Do's and don'ts for parents:

Do's for Parents:

(1) Take initiative and have better relation and communication with your child.

(2) Spend more time with the child and try to understand him/her rather than issuing sermons. 

(3) Go out with them occassionally for films, dinner, picnic, hiking , adventure etc. It will form a much needed bond.

(4) Make conscious efforts to know more about Coaching Classes and CAT. And  surprise them with your newfound knowledge about CAT/MBA/Colleges/Jobs etc.

(5) Be interactive. Visit coaching classes if your child has joined it. Discuss with the Faculty Team about his or her progress.

(6) If your child has not joined a Coaching Class and needs help, feel free to send me message and then we can talk also if needed.

(7) Most importantly, kindly remember that all successful  people in the Country are not MBAs. And more importantly, all successful MBAs are not from IIMs.

Don'ts for Parents:

(1) Please don't pressurise your children unduly. No point in criticising them when we have failed to mentor them in the beginning. Please remember they are already under pressure!

(2) Don't Compare your child with anyone else. Comparisons are invidious.

(3) Don't send your children to outside your hometown for coaching classes. There are many online options available. And preparation can be done on their own also with the support from the family.

(4) Don't use mobile to set an example to child. Difficult!? Now you can imagine your child's point of view also:) At least restrict use of your mobiles. Children will follow you.

(5)  Don't believe the advertisements by the Coaching Institutes in which they show the photographs of a few successful students. That is the brighter side of the Institute. Don't  look only at the rosy side of the picture, find the darker side of the Coaching Institutes also.

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR-IMS Indore-June22-July23.
-Blogger on diverse subjects.( Love thy NumbersEpeolatryCAT-a-LOGCorruption in Oil CompaniesTawa SangeetIkshak Indori and a few more.)

List of Articles of the blog CAT-a-LOG

Section A: The articles written in this section are about basics of Self-Mentoring, MBA, CAT and perils of Parallel Education System (Coaching Institutes). Everyone concerned about Coaching Classes including the Parents and Students are requested to kindly go through following  Articles in this Section before joining any Coaching Institute for CAT.

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