(4) CAT-a-LOG: All about CAT, IIMs and Coaching.

Article(4) CAT-a-Log: Find Yourself!

(Posted on  5/9/2023, Teachers Day)

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You have to find yourself first, before finding a Coaching Institute. And this process of finding yourself  is going to take some time. In fact finding yourself will  continue even after reaching IIM/B School of your choice and getting into a dream job.

This process has to start  now! First you have to find yourself to become a successful Self-Mentor. Coaching institutes or IIMs can be found later on!

Find oneself means: to realize and accept one's real character; discover one's true self or vocation. It also means to accept and make use of one's personality, abilities, and situation. 

You should  introspect and answer the following questions most honestly:
(1)  How many hours have you been studying all these years?
(2)  Did you study Maths and English properly or reasonably well in School days?
(3)  What was your percentages in Class 10? Class 12? 
(4) Are you willing to cover up the past mistakes? 
(5) Are you really interested in doing MBA?
(6) Is the MBA only option? 
(7) Do you enjoy studies? If not, can you start enjoying studies now? 
(8) Can you work hard every waking moment of the day? 
(9) Can you stay away from Social Media at least  till CAT is over? 
(10) What are your achievements in life so far? (11) What are your failures?  
(12) What are your regrets?
(13)  Can you stop blaming others for your failures and be a bit more responsible towards your career and your family? 
(14) Are you a 'man'  to accept the big challenges? 
(15) Are you willing to identify and get rid of your time wasting, unproductive activities?
(16) Do you want to join Coaching Classes so that you can find one more entity to blame for your failures? 
(17) Are you ready to improve your physical health also to improve mental health?
(18) Your only task, at this point of time,  as a Manager is to Manage your Studies. Are you game to accept this challenge to show how good a Manager you are? 

Please write down honest answers to these random questions not in a particular order. Ask many more questions! Find answers and you will finally find yourself! 

You only need to find yourselfIIMs and dream jobs will find you soon!

And finally, do you really think that this blog can help you in CAT Preparation? If the answer to this question is yes; click on Article No 5 On Coaching Institutes.

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -TIME Indore 2007-2020
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR-IMS Indore-June22-July23.
-Blogger on diverse subjects.( Love thy NumbersEpeolatryCAT-a-LOGCorruption in Oil CompaniesTawa SangeetIkshak Indori and a few more.)

List of Articles of the blog CAT-a-LOG

Section A: The articles written in this section are about basics of Self-Mentoring, MBA, CAT and perils of Parallel Education System (Coaching Institutes). Everyone concerned about Coaching Classes including the Parents and Students are requested to kindly go through following  Articles in this Section before joining any Coaching Institute for CAT.

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