(13) CAT-a-LOG: All about CAT, IIMs and Coaching.

Article(13) CAT-a-LOG: Mental Health (v) Peer Pressure

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Dear students, whatever you do, please do it without any peer pressure.This peer pressure is a big reason for affecting mental health of a majority of students.

It does  affect all students though intensity may  vary from very mild degree  to very strong degree.

First of all  let us understand what is peer pressure.

Peers are people who are part of the same social group, so the term "peer pressure" refers to the influence that peers can have on each other. 

Peer pressure compels members of the same Class/Institute/Group influence other members to do things ( Like appearing in CAT or excelling in CAT) that they may be resistant to, or might not otherwise choose to do. 

In other words, Peer Pressure  forces one to do the same things as other people of one's age and Social Group in order to be liked, appreciated or respected by them. 

This peer  pressure in general is very positive but excess of it is really harmful to your mental health. You have to be very clear throughout your preparation about this danger.

You can learn to sustain this peer pressure on your own by following do's and don'ts as written below:

Do's and Don'ts for students:

(1) Please communicate with your parents all the time. They are your biggest well-wishers. Not me or Coachingwalas or even your friends.

(2) Make your parents aware of the process about CAT. If they are less aware, convince them to read a few articles from this blog to begin with or encourage them to seek information from other sources. They may be requested to go through this article in English or Hindi.

(3) Focus on your targets and enjoy the process of taking course of life in your hands!

(4) Please stay away from negative persons in your peer groups.

(5) Let your peers also go through this article. Informed peer group can do wonders.

(6) Whenever in doubt, plunge yourself into action.

(7) Be physically active. 

(8) Avoid Unnecessary and unwarranted comparision with other CAT takers in your peer groups. It causes stress and affects mental health.

(9) You may wish to talk to me anytime whenever you feel low.

(10) Most importantly, please remember that all successful  people in the Country are not MBAs. And more importantly, all successful MBAs are not from IIMs.

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR-IMS Indore-June22-July23.
-Blogger on diverse subjects.( Love thy NumbersEpeolatryCAT-a-LOGCorruption in Oil CompaniesTawa SangeetIkshak Indori and a few more.)

List of Articles of the blog CAT-a-LOG

Section A: The articles written in this section are about basics of Self-Mentoring, MBA, CAT and perils of Parallel Education System (Coaching Institutes). Everyone concerned about Coaching Classes including the Parents and Students are requested to kindly go through following  Articles in this Section before joining any Coaching Institute for CAT.

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