(17) CAT-a-LOG: All about CAT, IIMs and Coaching.

Article(17) CAT-a-LOG: CAT Syllabus.

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There is no well defined Official syllabus for CAT. If you ask them unofficially, they will inform that  the syllabus of Maths and English for CAT is of 10 th Standard! This may be quite misleading.

As per the CAT 2023 bulletin there will be three sections in CAT as has been the case for the past several years. The same system is likely to be there in the next few years, at least.

The three Sections are:

(1) Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC)
(2) Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning (DILR)
(3) Quantitative Aptitude (QA)

(1) Section 1 VARC: The VARC section focuses on school-level English including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, inferences, etc. Many students from even English medium find the section  very difficult.

And then there is a huge difference in the level of English taught in various Schools of the country. 

That is why the students from Hindi or any other vernacular medium should start preparing for VARC from the very first day of college.

(2) Section 2 DILR: Most of the candidates are unfamiliar with this Section  DILR as it is neither taught in School nor College. In the Data Interpretation part, questions are asked on the basis of simple or complex data presented in the form of tables or various graphs/charts like bar chart, stacked bar chart, line graphs, pie charts, and triangular charts etc.

In the second part of DILR, questions have been asked in the past about Logical Reasoning. In this area, the questions are based on Linear Arrangement, Circular Arrangement, Matrix Arrangement, Distribution, Selection, Blood Relation, Direction Sense, Syllogism, Conditionality or Logical Connectives, Games and Sports and Cubes etc.

(3) Section 3 QA: It covers the syllabus of
Maths upto class X, in general. The major topics covered are Algebra, Arithmetic, Modern Maths, Geometry, etc. 

Articles and links of the videos for all the above Sections will be posted November 2023 onwards in the Section E.

Pankaj Khanna
Indore (9424810575)
B.E. (Mech.) SGSITS Indore 1983 Batch
-Worked with HPCL from 1984 to 2007.
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR -T.I.M.E. Indore 2007-20
-Faculty Maths/DI-LR-IMS Indore-June22-July23.
-Blogger on diverse subjects.( Love thy NumbersEpeolatryCAT-a-LOGCorruption in Oil CompaniesTawa SangeetIkshak Indori and a few more.)

List of Articles of the blog CAT-a-LOG

Section A: The articles written in this section are about basics of Self-Mentoring, MBA, CAT and perils of Parallel Education System (Coaching Institutes). Everyone concerned about Coaching Classes including the Parents and Students are requested to kindly go through following  Articles in this Section before joining any Coaching Institute for CAT.

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